For Schools

Being a teacher in a secondary school for over 8 years has given Sarah a clear insight into the difficulty schools face while trying to deliver a well rounded and balanced curriculum. 

The aim of the day-long workshops is to help you support your young people in developing their awareness of their own mental health, give them key skills needed to monitor their feelings and emotions and encourage them to choose healthy habits to benefit their well being. 

While these workshops are aimed at benefiting your students, they also help your school to promote SMSC (spiritual, moral, social and cultural development) and promote children and young people's mental health. 

According to Government Guidance "Promoting Children and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing" (from PHE and DfE):
“By the end of secondary school, students should understand how they are feeling and why; to further develop the language that they use to talk about their bodies, health and emotions; and to understand where normal variations in emotions end and health and wellbeing issues begin.”
Giving your students a chance to explore Square Yoga workshops gives them a chance to explore the origins of yoga, practise breathing techniques and mindfulness and develop some healthy ways to manage difficult emotions.

Yoga, mindfulness and breathwork are known to reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and heart rate and give you a sense of calm.

Now, more than ever we are seeing a surge in anxiety within our young people in schools. Yoga, mindfulness and meditation can have a huge impact on students.

A typical day with Square Yoga...

will include hour-long sessions aimed at specific groups. This gives you an opportunity to target students most in need. To best utilise the time you have, Sarah will have a phone/online consultation with the school contact to plan the day.

What is required of the school?

The maximum capacity of the workshops are 20. A large space and gym mats will be required from the school. An ideal location could be the sports hall or drama studio. 

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